Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Cabernet Sauvignon - The first step

This month's wine was the choice of my friend Stephanie. To me initially it seemed like an odd choice, to commence a long journey with a jump into the unknown depths of a rich and complex variety, however the more I think about it the choice encapsulates her spirit and I am intrigued to find out more. 

Today I met my first Cabernet Sauvignon since approaching this journey with fresh eyes. I find Cabernet Sauvignon to be a little intimidating, somewhat like a double barrel surname. Does the name represent grandeur and tradition? Or is it simply the product of two pretentious parents not willing to give up either of their names? Regardless of my initial feelings I was determined to begin my quest with gusto.

At around 7:00pm this evening I found myself in one of the more refined bottle shops in my local area thinking that this would give me a bit of a head start. Rather than meandering throughout the store meaninglessly, I turned a sharp left and headed directly to the section housing the cabernet sauvignons. Knowing what I was looking for initially was extremely beneficial in its time saving capability.

I glanced my eyes up and down the shelves quickly realising that the peasants were left way down low and those that were out of my league were luckily just out of my average height reach. I settled for a strong, clean and sharp looking suitor. His name was Angus and the attraction was instant.

Not long after I had made it through the front door did the romance begin. He was born in 2009 and was mature to a point that was evident in all aspects. First I examined his colour by filling the glass half full and holding it up to the light. He exhibited deep red purple hues yet was translucent like layers of cellophane in the light. Subtle aromas of cherry accompanied the berry like colour making for a charming yet playful first meeting. The richness of the flavours evenly coated my palate, first washing a warm toasty feeling over the tongue and then drifting back throughout my throat. It was a very nice first encounter. Cabernet Sauvignon I will be seeing you again!

I have promised myself that I won't be so easily seduced though. I am such a sucker for sexy crisp label though that I didn't even check to see what the region was before I left the store. Angus' little red cow picture and horns on the 'G' just looked so masculine, everything I had imagined a cabernet sauvignon should be. However when I checked to see the region (after the sneaky bugger was already in my glass and on my table) I realised that he was a 'bit-zer'... can you believe it? A little bit of this and a little bit of that, selected from the very best vineyards in the tiny region of South Eastern Australia.

I feel a little bit deceived not knowing the origin of the grapes that I tasted tonight. Yes they were tasty, but without knowing the full pedigree of what I am drinking how am I supposed to understand where the best grapes come from? Perhaps they intentionally keep us in a state of ignorance to make it easier to sell whatever they can, whenever they can.

Next time I will know better. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Tonight choice
Angus - The Bull ($18.00) 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon. 
Produced in South Eastern Australia and made from grapes in wine regions across Victoria and South Australia. 

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